The Final Cinematic with the Chairman from World of Warcraft

Recently, Blizzard published the update 9.2 "end of eternity" for World of Warcraft and at the same time opened the gates of the new RAID instance "Mausoleum of the first" . There, in addition to ten other bossons, the final confrontation with the Kerkermeister is waiting for the players. Meanwhile, this boss was first defeated, therefore is also ready for the final cinematic . However, we have to pronounce a spoiler warning at this point: Do not look at the video and do not read further if you want to preserve the tension.

This can be seen in the final cinematic with the Chairman

In the video can be seen what happens if you declare the cheater master in the final fight of the RAID instance "Mausoleum of the First". The boss opponent, also known as Zovaal **, lands beaten on all fours and must look at how his armor dissolves gradually and thus lost the rule magic.

While this happens, the leader of the individual packages with some last words turn to him, including the winter queen and the already previously defeated denathrius . After the armor has completely dissolved, only a lifeless automatic remains from the champion master, so its original shape.

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However, Zovaal has something to say shortly before his end that all fans of World of Warcraft (Buy Now) is likely to keep. Accordingly, "a split cosmos is unable to survive what is imminent now" . What exactly the former Cherkermeister says is not known. It appears, however, he knows about an even greater threat threatening to rag. This could be the story hanger for the next ad-on by World of Warcraft, which will introduce Blizzard Entertainment on 19 April 2022.

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