Pokémon Go: coaches are disappointed, as Niantic bypasses with a thick mistake in the RAIDS

A RAID system is made use of to arrange multiple physical mass storage (generally disk drive or solid-state drives) to a rational drive that permits greater reliability or larger data throughput than a solitary physical storage space medium. The term is a phrase for English redundant variety of independent discs, i.e. repetitive plan of independent hard disks (initially English redundant range of inexpensive discs ; German repetitive setup of affordable disk drives ; which was abandoned for marketing factors). While a lot of strategies and also applications made use of in computers aim to avoid redundancies (in the type of multiple occurrences of the exact same data), redundant details is produced especially for RAID systems, to ensure that the RAID as a whole retains its stability and capability in case of failure of private storage space media. After replacing the precipitated element can be recovered by a Rebuild the initial state. This redundancy needs to not be corresponded with a backup.

Pokemon Go are very popular especially RAIDS in coaches. Many tries to get more dazzling monsters. However, there was recently an error in which a monster was not available as a shiny. We From Mango show you what happened and why trainers are now disappointed and angry.

What a Shiny is going? During the dragon descent events from the 7th to the 12th of December 2021 celebrated the Dragon Pokémon Farrago his debut in Pokémon Go. In addition to its normal form, it has been available as a dazzling copy. It was to be found during the complete event especially in Level-3-Raids. However, the release of the Shiny came to a mistake.

Which error is Ni antic under run?

As Ni antic announced shortly after the release of the Dragon Pokémon, the Shiny variant came to an error in the game (via Twitter.com). Accordingly, the iridescent Farrago was not available in the first 4 hours.

After a few days had passed, Ni antic announced on the evening of 17 December 2021 through their official Twitter account that affected coaches should receive a corresponding compensation:

In your post Write: Trainer after the dazzling Farrago could not be encountered in the first 4 hours after its publication, we have granted 3 remote raid passes to all coaches Farrago in this period. We apologize for this mistake and thank you for your patience.

Under the Twitter post and on Reddit, however, more and more voices of disappointed and angry coaches are loud.

Why are the coaches disappointed and angry?

As you can see the comments of the Twitter contribution, numerous trainers have not received their compensation. So the following is written (via Twitter.com):

Robincanfield: For more than 24 hours, I'm still waiting for my passports.


Bryanrobledo93: I did not get my passports

COMTE W: I played it in the first 4 hours after his publication and got nothing. Where are my 3 remote RAID passes?

Ninaheartsmuse: Hello Ni antic, I have performed remote Raids during the affected period and did not receive the promised 3 remote-raid passes. I was offered a general answer from the support that I should have got her, but I still did not get her. Many other players I know are still sitting in the same boat as me. Thank you

And on Reddit, some affected coaches express themselves that they do not receive the corresponding remote RAID passes. The players are particularly angry with the fact that Ni antic Support has informed them that they had no claim. However, the coaches have played at this time.

So HHHHH6 writes: I've done some remote raids and made a screenshot of time, etc. I have sent a message to the support, and they said that they could not find a record about that I have carried out a RAID during this time window, so the remote-raid passes were denied me, even with proof. So annoying. (via reddit.com).

Criticism of communication

When dealing with this error, however, the communication is criticized. As can be read under the individual Twitter comments, the affected coaches about Twitter should report directly to Ni antic and describe the facts. Above all, that criticizes the Reddit community that now concerns that it is not heard (via reddit.com):

Thebluelenses: So if you never had Twitter (and did not see the tweet), you've been cheated around these RAID passes?

RUOK4A69: Since the beginnings of Ingress has always been the problem to use multiple platforms to communicate with the player base and support it and not use it effectively. I can now see that this problem still exists.

Cravenj1, however, does not believe that Giant is more considering and writing on the Twitter users, I do not understand it that only those who complain about Twitter, 3 RAID passes. It seems to me that the proverbial squeaky wheel on Twitter receives a faster or more targeted reaction.

In addition, it is convinced that Ni antic can make a query due to their collected data, who has played in which period to compensate them.

Faulty compensation

While many players scold about the missing RAID passes, other Reddit users report by another mistake. According to their statements, these in turn received compensation, even though they did not play at this time (via reddit.com).

So Sroth99us writes: I received the free passports and did not comment on your Tweet. I am also pretty sure that my first Farrago Raid took place a day later.

As Amillibofan101 writes on Reddit, Ni antic has informed him that all affected coaches were compensated correctly. Whether Ni antic will still compensate the missing trainers remains open. If there are new information about this, then of course you will learn from us on Mango.

How do you find the handling of Ni antic with the problem? Are you affected yourself and did not get your RAID passes? Or did her luck and your compensation worked without problems? Write us your opinion here on Mango in the comments and exchanges you with other coaches.

Currently, Pokémon Go focuses on the forthcoming holidays. We looked at what Spawns and Bonuses expect you during the Christmas event.
