Horizon Forbidden West looks so well also in PS4: his first official images

Horizon Forbidden West promises immersion, entertaining animations and unparalleled graphics quality in PlayStation 5, but guerrilla has provided little information about the PlayStation 4. Version until now. The developers are trying to correct this offering screen captures at PlayStation 4 to ensure players that the quality of the graphics will be up to height.

Horizon Forbidden West vs Horizon Zero Dawn PS4 Early Graphics Comparison Unfortunately, there is no trailer and only images made internally. Although we already know that this can change moving, we are going to trust the Dutch study.

If it can well be comforting to see catches made in PlayStation 4, with a quality much higher than expectations, you always have to be careful with this type of image. As notified to one of Twitter users after this publication.

The technology of the PlayStation 5 has allowed developers to add details that it is not possible to have on the old generation console, but developers are sure that the experience that brings Horizon Zero Dawn will guarantee a result never before seen. The developers rely on the PS4 version of the next chapter of Horizon.

However, it is worth selling the skin of the bear before having killed it and is waiting for a trailer that can show us more elements regarding the quality of Horizon Forbidden West on PS4. As a reminder, Horizon Forbidden West will launch on February 18, 2022, exclusively at PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4.

Content Original MGG France
